Dancing through life, skimming the surface..
This morning I went and paid a visit to the eye doctor, yayyy! It's been a while since my last check-up, and since I'm the only one in my family that doesn't wear glasses or contacts, we decided it be a good idea to get my eyes checked out. Sure enough, I am not the odd one out anymore. I still have the best vision out of the five of us, but now I need glasses.
So, I chose a pretty pair, and I can pick them up next week. I'm kinda or glad, actually. My eyes won't get so tired anymore. They're really tired right now, though. My pupils are really dilated, and even though it's getting better, things are still fuzzy. It's a nice day out today, too, so I'm hiding behind sunglasses, and I'm inside right now! It's just a rare enough nice day that I can't stand to leave my window shut and the blinds closed.
Tired eyes, tired eyes.
It's finally friday! I'm really excited. I'm meeting up with Calvin after he gets off work and then we're going to go to a show at Easy Street Records. The Diablotones, with Get Down Moses and Rude Tuna. <3
Uhm, rehearsal tomorrow. At NINE! Crap, I actually have to get up at a reasonable time. And do some costume stuff. My mom's going to be working doubles for the next couple of days, so it's going to be me on my own for a while on the costume front. So much to do!
I'm going to go sort of watch a movie until my eyes go back to normal. It feel wierd, having achey eyes.
Some Sick Parody
15 years ago