Wednesday, January 7, 2009


Well, it's not technically my job anymore. But atleast I'm sort of on call. So there's hope of getting paid, when he doesn't need it more. I'm okay with that.

I love the friends you can make when you're the only two in a group that do something. Like, secret friendship. Because you know a secret that no one else knows. And it changes someone from "that one kid who sings bass" to "my _______ buddy". So hopefully it will continue. I like this kid. He's fun. And he love Alligator Soul. Super kudos.

Everything should be free. Life would be easier. Friends should do things for their friends because it's the right thing to do, not because they want to get money. Because there are some things people won't do without being paid, even though the person they're doing it for has no money to pay them. It sucks.

School bites.

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