Sunday, September 14, 2008


Heck yes, I've been found. :)

So, two days packed full of meetings, and probably way too much time spent at the JC. Is that possible? Probs not, but I'm definately as close to it as I've ever been.
5 hours yesterday, 2 1/2 today, and then the NET.

Oh, right, and a meeting tomorrow too. Yeah! Let's see how many days in a row I can be at a Jeremiah Center/Parish event in a week once everything starts. Five? Six? All seven? No, I just checked. It's definately five, six on evening kaz-ba weeks. All seven days on the rare weeks when we have a friday even on top of kaz-ba. Maybe I should just sleep there, like Harada does.

Whatever. Uhm. I feel super accomplished from these meetings, though I don't think that's going to last through music team tomorrow. We'll see.
Five bucks that no more than two, possibly three people learned the new songs or even looked over the old one again.

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